Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Central Florida Zoo and Bo. Gardens Celebrate the Birth of three Nearly Extinct Animals

By Andy Concepcion

SANFORD, Fla. —The members of the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens celebrated the newest additions to their Species Survival program during a “Party for the Planet” event. Joe Montisano, a staff member of the Central Florida Zoological Society, presented 3 infant Red Ruffed Lemurs Saturday, May 15th.

In front of a mixed crowd of adults and children, Montisano began the presentation by allowing the guest to see the three recently born Red Ruffed Lemurs next to their mother. After an educational lecture, Montisano discussed the importance of their birth, conservation and breeding.

“These endangered animals deserved a proper welcome to our growing family of preserved species,” said Montisano. “We hope to work with other zoos to avoid inbreeding. With a high chance of future extinction, we have to help these little guys breed as best we can.”

Ironically, the three lemurs were born during mating season, which is beneficial to their survival.

“It’s convenient that the mother gave birth during mating season” said Chad Reid, a spectator of the lecture. “I guess her natural time clock was right on time.”

Another spectator who had seen the lecture praised their current place of captivity.

“The longer they’re held captive, the longer they live,” said Sharon Dailey. “I think they’ll get all the help they need here to rebuild their numbers.”

For more information on the newly born Red Ruffed Lemurs, visit www.centralfloridazoo.org or
contact at:

3755 NW Hwy 17-92

Sanford, FL 32771
